Nothing is
The Impossible reveals prayer’s immediate and powerful impact through the true account of a family whose son died and was miraculously resurrected.
John lay lifeless
for more than
60 minutes.
Through the years and the struggles, when life seemed more about hurt and loss than hope and mercy, God was positioning the Smiths for something extraordinary – the death and resurrection of their son.
When Joyce Smith’s 14-year-old son fell through an icy Missouri lake one winter morning, she and her family had seemingly lost everything. At the hospital, John lay lifeless for more than 60 minutes. They asked themselves, How could God do this to us? But Joyce was not ready to give up on her son. She mustered all her faith and strength and cried out to God in a loud voice to save her son.
Immediately, her
son’s heart miraculously
started beating again.
Immediately, her son’s heart miraculously started beating, again.
In the coming days, her son would defy every expert, every case history, and every scientific prediction. Sixteen days after falling through the ice and being clinically dead for an hour, John Smith walked out of the hospital under his own power, completely healed.
THE IMPOSSIBLE is about a profound truth: prayer really does work.
God uses it to remind us that He is always with us, and when we combine it with unshakable faith, nothing is impossible.

“ When we pulled John out of the water he was dead. He was grey, and had icicles hanging off hair, nose, and ears.” Tommy Shine, First Responder
We have spent the last two years searching around the world to see if there is another case like John’s and we have found one that has some of the same characteristics. John is the only person we can find who has survived and come back 100 percent in the world that we know of.”
Dr. Jeremy Garrett, Cardinal Glennon PICU Doctor
Area expert on drowning and Hypothermia
“ A mother’s unstoppable and indomitable faith ushers in a miracle beyond anyones wildest imagination. The reader is left with equal unshakeable faith. This extraordinary story shook my cynicism to the core and restored my belief in miracles. Wow! If you haven’t already, run to by your copy or click online!” –Reader Review
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